Recruitment position

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    Educational requirement

    Release time

    Job requirements

  • Safety specialist


    College degree or above


    Job Description: Apply now

    1, perform the "safety Law" and other safety regulations of the enterprise full-time safety management personnel should do the duties;

    2, internal security management;

    3. Carry out safety training;

    4. Report various security reports;

    5, meet all kinds of safety inspection。


    College degree or above in chemical or safety major, with more than 3 years working experience in safety management of hazardous chemical enterprises

  • Low carbon energy specialist


    Bachelor degree or above


    Job Description: Apply now

    1. Evaluate the stock and incremental energy consumption of each unit, establish a carbon emission monitoring system, and prepare regular reports

    2, organize energy conservation, emission reduction and low-carbon development related training and company publicity activities, organize energy emergency drills, etc

    3. Responsible for the management system of water, electricity and other energy consumption and supervise the implementation of the system

    4. Develop annual energy consumption plan and energy consumption assessment indicators, and do a good job in daily energy consumption management

    5. Responsible for the management of dynamic auxiliary equipment。


    Bachelor degree or above in energy and power, energy management, environmental engineering, etc., with more than 3 years working experience in low-carbon energy conservation

  • Environmental officer


    Bachelor degree or above


    Job Description: Apply now

    1. Fulfill the environmental protection responsibilities of enterprise environmental protection managers as stipulated in environmental Protection laws and regulations;

    2, internal environmental management;

    3. Carry out environmental protection training;

    4. Report various reports;

    5. Carry out monthly self-environmental monitoring;

    6. Organize transport of hazardous waste;

    7, meet all kinds of environmental inspection。


    Bachelor degree or above in environmental engineering, with more than 3 years working experience in environmental management of chemical enterprises

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